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About Us

Welcome to Pawprints on our Hearts!

We are a small group of people who care deeply about cats. We know we can't change the world but we do want to ensure we help as many cats and change their world - for the better! One cat at a time we aim to give them a better and more successful life. Most of the cats we take on are ones who would have been euthanized due to their temperament or behavior. We want to offer these cats a second chance at life. A second chance to show everyone that they were just scared. A second chance to show someone how much love they have to give.

We are the voice for the voiceless. 

Do you feel the same way? We are always in need of more volunteers who share our same views!  

Faces of Pawprints on our Hearts

Taylor - Executive Director



My name is Taylor and I am the main face you will see here. I am the executive director at Pawprints on our Hearts. I am a true animal lover and love all animals but have an affinity for felines. When I am not working as a Veterinary Technician, I am socializing feral cats/kittens, working on my farm, or relaxing up north. I have lots of animals I call my own ranging from indoor cats, barn cats, a dog, horses, chickens, ducks, peacocks, and pheasants. Its never a dull moment around here but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love my life and I love what I do!

I know I can't do everything but I can do something and that is all that matters. 

Every little bit helps in the long run, especially when it comes to saving animals.

I know I can't save the world but I CAN change the world for that animal. 

We are always striving to be the best we can be. I'm proud to announce that I am now part of the Fear-Free Veterinary Technician Program. We use our FearFree courses to help out feline friends even more than what we already have! Want to learn more about this? Visit their website:

Fear-Free Veterinary Technician 

Dr. Cassie Schneller - Veterinarian


Hi! My name is Cassie and I am one of the veterinarians that help out Pawprints on our Hearts. I grew up in Oak Creek, WI and went to UW-Madison for veterinary school. During undergrad and right before I started vet school, I worked weekends at the Wisconsin Humane Society in Milwaukee as an animal caretaker. This is where I developed my fondness of animal behavior and welfare, and I nurtured that interest by taking courses in vet school that specialized in shelter medicine and animal behavior. During my 4th year of veterinary school, I did many rotations at shelters or low-income organizations, honing my surgical skills and learning more about how to help animals in need in tight financial situations. While I work at a clinic right now, I really enjoy helping Taylor and the rest of the team at Pawprints on our Hearts do what they do best – helping cats in need!



My name is Abe and I am one of the hard workers taming down those feral cats! You might not see me much but that is ok with me. I am more of a background guy and not the face. I tend to help socialize the cats as well as help with anything medical that Taylor needs help with. When I am not wrangling cats with her I can be found working on my farm with the many animals I have or fixing up the house. I am a handy guy who would rather do everything myself. I never considered myself a cat person until we got our first cat, Malakai. He has been a life changer for sure =) Now I have several cats when I never thought I would even have a single one. I can't say I regret anything about it though. 



Hello, my name is Eric and I am one of the member's of of the Rescue who will help get lab samples, medications, and help with some of their surgeries.  You may also hear my voice as I do some of the calls made for Pawprints on our Hearts. I do not have much hands on time as the others, I am there for when one may have a illness.  I've been working in the Veterinary Technician since 2004, giving me experiences working with domesticated/feral cats. All I want is to see these felines that people would of given up on helped and given a second chance at a good home.   I proudly adopted Balar, one of our kitten we had early in 2019 ( the little rascal I'm holding) and also have another cat named Tink.  They keep me entertained so much and help with the stress of any given day.


Fear-Free Veterinary Technician  



Hi, I'm Lauren. I am one of the volunteers here who LOVES playing with the cats. I can also be found helping to make scratching posts, cat nip toys, as well as other fun items for the rescue. When I am not loving on one of the cats here I can be found at home with my 2 cats- Orpheus & Petrova, dog- Kynzie, and my rabbit- Lola. 

Year Statistics

Ever wonder what we have accomplished? See below! Any questions regarding what we have done or the total cats we have helped please send us a message.

PooH stats 2020.jpg
POOH stats 2019.jpg
POOH stats 2018.jpg
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